Via Crocetta, 8, 37060 Gazzo Veronese VR, Italia No Ads
Machine retailers
Activity description
For over 60 years, F.lli Lonardi has been providing professionalism and reliability in the sale and assistance of new and used agricultural machinery, for soil processing, sowing, irrigation and for every specific need.

Our company is also specialized in the gardening sector with a vast assortment of machines from the best brands for professionals and small hobbyists.

After many years of activity and after having served more than 4,000 customers, we have acquired the experience to become true specialists in the sector, able to support farmers in an ethical and professional manner.

Our company has grown over time, we have introduced new services, paved the way for innovation and renewal, but without ever forgetting who our real driving force is: the customer.

Thanks to all the people who have chosen us, we have been able to seize market opportunities to always offer innovative solutions and advise customers with our passion and professionalism.

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