Ditta Milanese & C.S.a.s.

Via Inverardi, 7, 15121 Alessandria AL, Italia 30 Ads
Machine retailers
Activity description
Concessionario Argo Tractors, A.Spedo, Agrimaster, Aio, Bcs, Breviglieri, Collino, Cosmo, Damax, Farmtrac, Faza, Forigo, Hunday, Maschio Gaspardo, Metalagricola, Osella, Pasquali, Rossetto, Stiga, Zanon

Offered services

  • Officina meccanica
  • Officina mobile
  • Magazzino ricambi
  • Consegne a domicilio
  • Finanziamenti

30 Ads found

drum mowers


Updated the 06-03-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
vibro cultivators

Moritz 300 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
tractor mounted forklifts

Tecnoagri 380 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
round balers

John Deere 580 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
Mower conditioners

Pöttinger NOVACAT 265 H CRW Used

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
disc mowers

Maschio Gaspardo Debora 240 Nuovo

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
rotary rakes

Maschio Gaspardo PONENTE 420 Nuovo

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Ceccato CBR Used

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
Mower conditioners

Galfrè FR/G 210 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
power harrows

Breviglieri MEK 120 Nuovo

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Samadoval BVL 3 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Moro Pietro Modello non specificato Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Ermo Modello non specificato Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
open field tractors up to 130 hp

Carraro 3500 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
power harrows

Lely 300-35 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Moro Pietro ET/18 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Cravero 1900 Usato

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
disc harrows

Spedo SERIE PRP/BE - PRP/BN2 Nuovo

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT
weeder harrows

Faza sf 60 h haegstriegel Nuovo

Updated the 12-02-2025
Available at the dealership

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT

Roberto Milanese

Alessandria (AL) - IT