Orlando Carrello porta attrezzi Nuovo
Machine manufacturers

Orlando S.r.l.

Carpenedolo (BS) - IT
Contact the advertiser

Orlando Carrello porta attrezzi Nuovo

  • Orlando Carrello porta attrezzi Nuovo - 1
  • Orlando Carrello porta attrezzi Nuovo - 2
  • Orlando Carrello porta attrezzi Nuovo - 3
Machine manufacturers

Orlando S.r.l.

Carpenedolo (BS) - IT
Contact the advertiser

Details of the announcement

Ad updated on: 19-08-2024
Recommended for type of agricultural activity:
Cereals, corn and zootechnics, Horticulture, Tobacco and other open field crops, Forestation and gardening
Recommended for soils of morphology:
Hill, Mountain, Plains
Recommended for soil type:
Heavy clay soils, Medium-heavy loamy soils, Gravel soils


Carrello portattrezzi robusto applicabile a trattori cingolati di media potenza adatto alle diverse applicazioni di attrezzature agricole:
- Ripuntatori
- Vibrocultori
- Estirpatori
- Erpici a dischi

The machine is visible at

Via XX Settembre, 239, 25013 Carpenedolo BS, Italia