compact ochard & vineyard tractors New Holland TD4.90 on sale - Used and New

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Special crops with low tractors: vineyard, orchard and olive groves | Top Brands.

Low tractors, also known as orchard tractors or vineyard tractors, are a crucial option with an engine output of 20-120 horsepower. These versatile vehicles are ideal for specialized crops that require interventions in limited spaces both in height and turning radius.

The applications of this type of tractor are diversified and include vineyards intended for the production of wine and table grapes, lush olive groves and orchards ranging from peaches to apples, from cherries to hazelnuts. Low tractors are used in cultivation contexts where access and maneuverability are essential.

These tractors are divided into two main categories: isodiametric, characterized by four wheels of the same size, and differentiated wheels, with rear wheels larger than the front ones.

Among the main reference brands specialized in compact tractors, typical for their use in orchards and vineyards, include:
Antonio Carraro SpA, Goldoni, Bcs, Ferrari, Pasquali, Landini, Valpadana, Same, Lamborghini Trattori, New Holland
By choosing from these leading brands, you can access reliable and innovative solutions for your specialist growing needs.

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Dalla Longa

Valdobbiadene (TV) - IT

Do you know the brand New Holland?

New Holland is a brand of tractors and agricultural machinery owned by the CNH Group. New Holland has an international presence and a complete range of both tractors and agricultural equipment. The New Holland brand originated in Pennsylvania (USA) in the late 1800s. In 1986, it was acquired by Ford, and in 1991, the New Holland brand was acquired by the Fiat Group, which officially launched the brand in the international market in 1994. New Holland is among the leading international producers of agricultural machinery and, thanks to its wide range, manages to maintain market leadership in many countries.